
Reale Seguros Generales is the Spanish non-life insurance company that joined the Reale Mutua Group in 1998.

It offers a wide assortment of insurance products and services for individuals and SMEs, designed to meet different requirements and expectations.

In 2011 Reale Seguros extended its product range, in partnership with Reale Vida, established in 2010, enabling the Group to expand its life insurance business in Spain.

With a workforce of almost 1,000, a network of 341 agencies and a team of highly-qualified agents and co-workers, Reale Seguros Generales serves more than 1,500,000 Policyholders.

Alongside the other traditional methods, the company also operates through the bancassurance channel, which opens up new contact and distribution opportunities. Policyholders can contact Reale Seguros via internet or through its call centre service, available from Monday to Saturday, to discuss any doubts they may have and request information about policies, claims and products.

For Reale Seguros quality is a priority that is constantly pursued. In addition to the Customers' Ombudsman, which is compulsory for all organisations, Reale Seguros has set up its own "Servicio de Atención y Defensa del Cliente" (SADC), an independent regulatory board to settle disputes and protect customers’' interests. If the Policyholder agrees with the Ombudsman's decision, this is always binding on the company.

Like all the other companies within the Group, Reale Seguros is committed to the highest standards of corporate social responsibility and works on a day-to-day basis to guarantee the respect and protection of all its stakeholders. In 2011 it set up a special committee formed of representatives from the various company departments, to oversee the development and compliance of the company's overall corporate social responsibility strategy as part of all corporate processes and procedures.

  • Board of  Directors


    Viora Dott. Vittorio


    Mariscal Carnicero Dott. Ignacio


    Alemanni Prof.ssa Barbara


    Balmaseda del Campo Dott. Manuel


    Bruno Dott. Walter


    Claretta-Assandri Dott. Paolo


    Filippone Dott. Luca Fabrizio


    Gaspari Dott.ssa Roberta


    Quintás Veloso Dott.ssa Susana Teresa


    Ramasco Dott.ssa Beatrice


    Siri Prof. Michele

  • Board Secretary

    Board Secretary

    Iglesia Gutierrez Dott. David

  • General Manager

    General Manager

    Mariscal Carnicero Dott. Ignacio

  • Comision de Auditoria


    Claretta Assandri Dott. Paolo


    Bruno Dott. Walter


    Ramasco Dott.ssa Beatrice

Terms of office:
Board of Directors: 2023/2025 (until the Shareholders' Meeting to approve the financial statements as at 31/12/2025)

To find out more about Reale Seguros visit the corporate website:

Reale Seguros Generales S.A.
Calle Principe de Vergana, 125
28002 Madrid (Spain)
Tel. +34 914547400 – Fax: +34 914547405 - Customer Service: 902 400 900