Reale Mutua

Parent company with headquarters in Turin, represents the largest Italian mutual insurance company, present throughout the country.

Italiana Assicurazioni

Group company that occupies an important position in the panorama of medium-sized insurance companies, whose business purpose is insurance and reinsurance in the non-life and life segments.


Reale Seguros

Group company operating in Spain since 1988. It is one of the most solvent companies in the Spanish insurance market and is the reference for over a million and a half customers.

Reale Vida

Insurance company established in 2010 after the extension of the Reale Seguros range of Life and Savings products.


Reale Chile Seguros

The first international expansion of Reale Group 25 years after the beginning of its activities in Spain.

Ydrogios Insurance and Reinsurance S.A.

Greek company based in Athens, incorporated in 2024 and controlled by Reale Mutua.