In recent years, the global market has been increasing competitive due to radical and rapid changes. A context in which our Group has continued to work through its companies, taking on new challenges and evolving, with the desire to continue to always and constantly be a protagonist.

With the adoption of a single new visual identity, that highlights the fact that each company belongs to an international Group, Reale Group was born.

The first step of this process was the development of a new logo, which incorporates a number of elements of significant change, such as a two-tone pictogram, blue and yellow, and the use of English, while maintaining the style and continuity that has always characterised our Group. These elements unite even further our companies in considering people at the centre of our activity, responding to the needs of our Members/Policyholders and Customers in diversified and innovative ways, through the skills and professionalism of each of us. The same elements evoke our history and our origins and characterise our future development.

Reale Group offers proposals in the insurance, banking, real estate and services sectors, protecting more than 3 million 800 thousand Policyholders. With almost 3,200 employees in Italy and Spain, Reale Group is one of the most solid players on the market, as demonstrated by a solvency ratio (Solvency II) of 241%.

With regard to insurance and services, the Group provides solutions for every requirement in terms of safety, risk protection, health insurance and assistance, pensions and savings, and also completes its offer by working on the real estate brokering and management and banking and financial services front.

The Group is characterised by significant capital solidity. It develops its business and pursues profitability objectives according to selective growth, accountability and value creation criteria.

The daily activities of the Group are based on transparency, ethics and simplicity, thus sharing the same values of the parent company, Reale Mutua, which also bases its modus operandi on its particular corporate structure and mutuality principal, while respecting the corporate culture of the other Group companies.