The most significant numbers for 2020

The Group’s financial strength and the protection of the health of our people and the community, even during the pandemic, are the elements that make up the key figures for 2020.

The Group’s Financial Strength

Commitment towards People

Regarding Reale Group’s economic and financial performance, please refer to the Group’s Consolidated Financial Statements.

Reale Group operates in Italy and Spain via its parent company – Società Reale Mutua di Assicurazioni – and its subsidiaries, meeting the needs of Partners/Policyholders and Customers in the areas of security and risk protection, health and assistance insurance, and social security and savings, while also maintaining other business in the banking sector, in the real estate and services area.

Reale Mutua, faithful to its mutualistic principles, has always operated with attention to the local territory where it works and in respect of the needs of the diverse stakeholders.

The year 2020 represented a year of great changes both within the organisation and externally. With a view to constant renewal, Reale Group’s Sustainability Strategy was updated in 2020 and it is increasingly integrated with the strategic Streams of the 2021-2023 Strategic Plan.

The 2021-2023 Strategic Plan continues along the path mapped out for the 2020-2022 three-year period, confirming the medium/long-term strategic vision and moving towards:

Moreover, Reale Group’s Sustainability Strategy is guided by the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda (SDGs) and is embedded in the Business Plan through six strategic streams: Capital, Technology, Digital Transformation, People, Internationalisation and Customer Centricity.

Reale Group undertakes to contribute to the achievement of the defined Sustainable Development Goals in the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations; objectives identified in the areas of interest of Reale Foundation and activities with environmental impact deemed significant by the Group, in particular:

Therefore, Sustainable Development Goals have been defined for each strategic stream, and linked to the topics considered relevant by the Group (materiality matrix), the actions to be undertaken and the relevant Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to ensure their temporal and numerical measurability.

The Reale Group’s commitment

The following are the key objectives for Reale Group.